Is Online Schooling For Me?
Since you’re reading this article, perhaps you’re unsure as to whether or not online schooling is the right decision for you. You’re curious about it, and you’ve investigated different programs and degree options, but most likely you’re still hesitant, right? Pursuing a degree, whether through the traditional route or online, can be an intimidating process. Prior to making the decision to do so, you should consider whether or not this method of schooling is right for you.Do Study Online If….You are self-disciplined and self-motivatedThose who do best at online schooling are self-starters and very disciplined when it comes to their academic studies. Online education does not have as many “watchdogs” as traditional schooling does, so it’s very necessary to be self-motivated. While your teachers may want you to log-on everyday or give you time-lines to submit assignments, there is no one constantly reminding you of due dates or insisting that you come to class. You have to be able to motivate yourself to do what’s necessary in order to perform well academically.You don’t need a teacher every step of the way and you’re an independent workerSome people need to be taught what to do from the beginning to the end. We all have those subjects that we can do well in on our own, and then we have those subjects that without an instructor, we would be completely lost. This goes along with the previous topic, if you’re more of an independent learner, then online schooling is for you. If you like the idea of teaching yourself and don’t relish the thought of group projects or presentations, then online schooling may definitely work for you.You’re a “Non-traditional” studentA non-traditional student can be considered anyone, from an older student above the typical college student age (18 to 21), to a student who is returning to school after a long hiatus. Non-traditional students also tend to have other responsibilities to take care of besides ” just” going to school. For example, perhaps you work full-time, have a long commute to work, no babysitter for your children, or you’re expecting children. Or perhaps you’re in the military and are currently on assignment overseas. All these are reasons why pursuing a degree online may work for you.Do Not Study Online If…You’re Allergic to TechnologyYou know who you are. You try to send text messages and they somehow are never delivered. You accidentally send emails to complete strangers or you can’t figure out how to open a separate browser on the internet. Some people just need a traditional classroom in a traditional setting. And don’t worry if this pertains to you, not everyone is meant to go to school online.You Equate Online Courses with “Easy” CoursesSome people mistakenly believe that online courses mean that their course load will be lighter or easier. This is not the case: online courses are just as academically rigorous and demanding as any other course taught in a traditional setting, therefore it’s necessary to take online courses just as seriously. Online courses aren’t meant to be easier, just a more convenient way for students to learn and to allow opportunity and access to more individuals.Consider in light of your personality, goals, and other responsibilities, whether an online education is right for you. Take a moment to sit down and really think to yourself, if this is the right decision for you. And if it is, fasten your seat belt because it’s going to be one thrill ride of a journey.